Inman-aligner Braces
Straighten your teeth in 2 to 4 months.
Very simple and effective, the cheaper alternative of Invisalign®.
Your smile, your choice.
Personalised treatment plans, interest-free payment plans & amazing results with Dr. Shah.
100% Invisible
Payment plans
Quickly Straighten Your Teeth with Inman Aligner Braces
Why Inman Aligners?
The Inman aligner is used to treat the front teeth only.
With all of the advancements made in dentistry this past decade, it is more surprising to see a person with crooked and misaligned teeth now than it was a few years ago.
There are various treatments available to those who want to get their teeth straightened and looking good.
In our fast-paced society, people want results as fast as possible.
Although it is rare, in the world of dentistry there is a treatment that is fast, yet also extremely effective for realigning your teeth.
If this sounds like the type of cure for your teeth that you are looking for, then you’ll want to look into getting Inman Aligner braces.
Inman Aligner in Sydney is quite a popular choice of braces today.
Not only will they help realign your teeth, but they will also cure problems caused by misalignment such as overbite and underbite.
These braces are applied to upper and lower front teeth, like traditional ones, except there is a lot less metal involved.
How effective are these?
Inman Aligner Results
There are different levels of straightening your teeth using lingual braces.
This include:
1. Lingual braces, lingual orthodontics or braces behind the teeth for front 6 teeth only.
These are used to straighten only the front six teeth.
The rest of the teeth are generally not a part of treatment.
This treatment can only be used in people who generally have good jaw sizes but their front teeth are slightly crooked.
However the Inman Aligner now gives us all a very real alternative.
Because it works so quickly and efficiently, if you don’t like the idea of having brackets stuck to your teeth or waiting months and months for a clear brace to work, you can now have your front teeth straightened in as little as 6 -16 weeks.
The teeth are pushed back into proper position by a coiled spring that is set behind the teeth with a metal bar as support in the front.
Unlike traditional braces, these are a lot less noticeable and significantly more comfortable after they settle in.
You are allowed to take them off as well, which allows for an easier time chewing your food and cleaning your teeth.
I’d like to know more.
What’s the cost?
The cost depends on how long the treatment is going to take.
Generally it ranges from $4,000.00 to $4,500.00.
The treatment time can take up to five times shorter than the time needed for traditional braces.
The exact time depends on the severity of your condition, but will commonly take seven to fifteen weeks.
It is recommended that you wear them for at least twenty hours a day for the best results.
The cost of Sydney Inman Aligner braces depends entirely on how crowded your teeth are and how long you’ll need them for.
Be sure to consult with your orthodontist to learn more about the specifics and if it is the best option for you.
Our friendly staff are ready to assist you.